Gallery of Images for all CMBs
Photos, maps and drawings
We seek good additions to this gallery of photos, maps and drawings relevant to the 4.2" mortar, chemical mortar battalions, and the men that served in them. To submit an item for consideration, send it as an attachment to e-mail (my name is Rodney Young and my address is ). Items must meet these conditions: the resolution and other aspects must be of good quality; the format must be either JPG or GIF (JPG is best for photos, GIF is best for maps and drawings); and there should be reasonable identification information supplied in the e-mail message date (at least the year), unit (down to squad level if possible), location (at least the country), names of recognizable people to the extent possible, and other information of interest to the viewer, such as circumstances at the time, unit being supported, the campaign and so on.
These two photos, digitized by Tom Spoehr, are taken from the 3-volume history of the Chemical Warfare Service in WWII, published in 1959 by the Army's Office of Military History.
4.2-inch chemical mortar in action, Arundel Island, New Georgia, Sep 1943. HE ammo at right. 82nd CMB, Co B.
4.2 inch mortar, used by chemical mortar battalions in WWII. Soldier is adjusting elevation of the gun.
Joe Spatola, loading a 4.2" mortar during the battle of Forbach, early March 1945, when his 99th Chemical Mortar Battalion was supporting the 70th Infantry Division.
91st Cml Mortar Btn plaque displayed at the National D-Day Memorial, Bedford, VA
81st Chemical Mortar Battalion
88th Chemical Mortar Battalion, Co. D at Camp Rucker AL, c. 1943
Provided by Victor Buonadonna nephew of Anthony "Beak" Mascitti
93rd & 94th Chemical Mortar Battalions at Camp Sibert, AL, dated 3/11/44
Courtesy of the US Army Chemical Corps Museum
Here is a special link to photos and information about the four deuce. At various times in Europe during WWII, the 100th Infantry Division was supported by elements of three different chemical mortar battalions the 2nd, 83rd and 99th. The 100th Inf Div Association's website includes several excellent photos of 4.2 mortars in action, some performance characteristics of the weapon, the complete organization chart of a CMB per T/O&E 3-25 of September 1944, and a diagram and description of the M2 model of the 4.2 that served the infantry so well in WWII and the Korean War.
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